I have been over- stimulated the past couple weeks. Not that I'm complaining, or anything resembling it. I have been going quilting crazy- I got a feathering book by Darlene Epp, which is awesome so I have been going feather crazy all over any spare piece of paper I can get my hands on. My mom also said that I should check out Zentangle, so I have been, and it has been awesome, though just one more thing for me to become obsessed with:

Yeah, thats right, I drew those. Because I am just that pro at life. I'm pretty impressed with myself. In case you didn't catch that.
Not only have I been going zentangle crazy, but I went home and got to use my mom's long arm and quilted a quilt that I made last summer from fabric that I got while at the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.

It turned out pretty well if I don't say so myself. Especially if you don't fold it and don't realize that it isn't square.

Then I put binding on a quilt that I found while cleaning out my stuff from my parent's basement:

And if that wasn't enough, I have also been going crazy with my tumbleweeds quilt:
I've gotten a lot done on it I think. I'm pretty impressed with my progress.
Anyways, I'm going to get back to my tumbleweeds quilt.
Later days.



A Quilting We Will Go...