Back from Retreat


I'm back from retreat! I had a delightful time, and got all the blocks for 4 quilts done, plus two little mini-quilts. Pictures of those quilts to come, once I get them put together. In the mean time... these are two quilts I got done before I left. The first is the Split Decision quilt that I made for my class at Quilters Dream, which didn't end up running, and the second one was out of the solids that I got from Granny for Christmas.

I took the pictures at the Gazebo at Battle Lake, and had to include the picture of the Gazebo too. And the pictures of the mini-quilts.
They are two reverse applique quilts that Susan demo'd at retreat. They were crazy fun to make. 
Anyways, I have to go to work.
Later days!

Oh My Goodness


Bagged and Boarded