Swoon-ing Along

As it turns out, the quilt that I have been wanting to make for a while is the quilt in the popular "Swoon-Along" flickr group, so I thought that I should join in. So I bought my fabrics yesterday-- and for the first time ever, had to really really really think about if I could afford to make this quilt. I no longer have a job that involves a)free fabric or b)more money than I will ever earn again, plus, I now live in England where fabric is nearly 2x as expensive as in Canada. Sigh. Luckily, I decided to go with solids, which are less expensive than printed fabrics. Plus, was really what I wanted to do anyways. So all is good. Here are my fabrics:

Each block will have a white background, with a grey section, and one of the other colours. It is going to be AMAZING, let me tell you. Here is my first block all laid out:
So that's enough blogging, back to work on my quilt!

Later days,


Swooning some More...


Oh My Goodness