Minimalista Night Sky


I've had a surprisingly productive week, which was a delight, particularly after the last couple weeks where everything has taken way longer than it was supposed too. This Jaybird Quilts' Night Sky pattern I got fabric for after work on Saturday, and got the binding put on last night (Friday.) Which considering I went to work and all that stuff, isn't to shabby.

Minimalista Nigh Sky Quilt

I'm super happy with it anyways. It is my most liked quilt on instagram... and as I'm obsessed with instagram, that's pretty exciting for me. The piecing went much faster than expected, and the quilting did to. The whole thing went wonderfully fast, and now is done. And awesome :D.

Quilting Close Up


The quilting turned out pretty spectacularly if I don't say so myself. And after working on Peaks and Valleys for almost 3 weeks, it was nice to have a quilt on and off the frame in 3 days.

Speaking of Peaks and Valleys...

Peaks and Valleys!


It too is FINALLY done! I'm pretty happy with this one too though.

Quilting Close Up

Quilting Super Close Up

This quilt took FOREVER! Even though the quilting on the Night Sky quilt is denser, this quilt had a lot of marking, whereas there was no marking on the Night Sky quilt... so Night Sky went quickly while this one took FOREVER! I do think it looks awesome though, so I'm not disappointed in what I chose to do. And even though it was slow, I did have fun the whole way through, which is more of what I go for.

Maritime Shorts

I also made 3 pairs of shorts this week-- Grainline Studio's maritime shorts. They turned out awesome, and I'm really happy with them. I only have a picture of 2 pairs though... the 3rd is a navy and great big flowers print...

And then, on the frame now, and almost finished, is my Hello My Friend quilt...

Hello My Friend

I'm much further than I was when I took this picture, but you get the idea.

I'm off to Pittsburgh for Quilt Market tomorrow! Market is my favourite time of year, so I'm pretty freakishly excited.

Anyways, later days!



Indelible Park Bench Quilt


Still Sewing...