Free Motion Friday -- Your Quilts

Happy Friday!!!

We're back!!

I just realized there is a typo in my logo. I spelled my own name wrong.

Ooops. I guess there will be a new logo... sometime.

Ok, so today, I wanted to show everyone some of the fantastic quilts that have been made using some of the techniques from FMF!


Diane Wingo used "Kathleen's Magic Shape" in the orange area of this quilt.

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Andrea Monroe used "Kathleen's Magic Shape" and "Ghost Plus" on this quilt! I love how she used the ghost plus in a pieced design!

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Nikki Maroon used my "Flying Geese" on this quilt!! How fantastic is that?

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Philippa Gelinas used my cheater feathers on this fabulous quilt!

I love seeing when people use my designs! Thanks so much to everyone who has sent me pictures! Keep them coming!

If you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada.



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