Free Motion Friday - Tirzah's Quilt

Free-Motion-Friday Happy Friday Peeps!! Hope you're having a great week! I feel like it's been a super nuts week - we're in the planning process for our big move (Quilting From the Heart and The Sewing Center, my family's sewing/quilting stores, are moving into one location between Christmas and New Years,) plus Wednesday was a holiday so I was in Stettler with Rocky's family, I taught all day Tuesday (a Staple dress class during the day, and a 6D Embroidery Software class in the evening)... it's felt like a crazy week. I can tell I've recently been on vacation though, because I'm not completely freaking out. Which is what normally happens when my life gets crazy. So I'm pretty proud of myself.

Anyways, this week we've got Tirzah's quilt.


How awesome is this horse?


I started just by drawing curvy lines, following the curves of the horse.


Then, in the mane, I did long swirls to look like hair.


And the same thing in the tail.

Just a quick note about thread colours -- I 99% of the time, match my thread colour to the fabric. So where I have drawn in white and black, in real life I would quilt in red and yellow.


Then, in the (super awesome) blue background, I've done dot-to-dot designs in each triangle of the piecing, to really emphasize the angularity.

I for one think it's a lot of fun :D.


Anyways, that's it for me this week! If you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada.


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