I'm Still Here... ish.

I know --  the blog has been a bit deserted lately. Things went even crazier than the crazy I expected. So no blogs. I spent the week between Christmas and New Years at TUXIS.  The TUXIS Parliament of Alberta is a youth parliament that I was in from the age of 16-21, and was one of the best things I was ever a part of.



Anyways, last week I was the Speaker of the House for current parliament -- each year they elect an alumni to come back and be speaker, and I had just the most fun. I'm so glad I got to go.

Then, this week, I've been sick. So not that much has gotten done.


This is me at the NEW STORE during about the 1 hour window I made it to work between TUXIS and getting sick. But we're all moved in now, and it's looking super awesome!!


The view coming in the door at work.


And what I've dubbed "Kathleen's Corner"... by cherished corner of modern fabrics :D

I haven't had much time for quilting at home, but what little time I have had I've spent working on my AvantGarde blog hop quilt.


A sneak preview for you. I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out. I can't wait to show you the whole thing!!! This might be my favourite fabric line of all time. It's the first of Katarina's that we're getting at work, so I'm excited to be able to make about a million things out of it. But first, to finish this quilt :D.

Anyways, I don't think I'll manage a FMF for tomorrow, but with any luck I'll be back to normal next week. Thanks for sticking with me!

Later days! Kathleen.



I'm Teaching at Sparrow Studioz -- AGAIN!


Free Motion Friday - Some Videos