In which I disappear for a year...

Has it really been more than a year since my last blog post? I guess my feeling that I had disappeared off the interwebs was not unwarranted.

What have I been up to in the last year? Not a whole bunch. I did quilt (a very few) quilts. Which I should share pictures of soon. Mostly though? I’ve been resting. I’ve been hanging out with my family, which with a 18 month old is not resting, but still nice. We’re expecting again in February, so I’ve been doing a lot of sleeping and puking with that! Not much quilting has been happening though.

As is the case with everyone, my teaching trips were all cancelled this summer. The good news though? It’s actually way easier than ever to take a class from me! I’ve got two virtual teaching gig’s coming up, which anyone can register for! How awesome is that!

The first is Virtual Quilt Show, in November 2020. This one, I have three pre-recorded classes, which are followed up with a live Q&A session. I’m teaching my three favourite classes in this one, so check it and register here:

The second is Road @ Home, the virtual version of Road to California, in January 2021. Here I am doing three LIVE via Zoom classes, as well as a one hour lecture. You can see them and register here: Be sure to click on the “my account” tab on the top right corner and choose Road @ Home as your active conference to be able to see these classes. I will be SUPER pregnant for these classes, which means they’ll be my last teaching dates for a while, so don’t miss it!

Hopefully, I’ll see you in one of these classes soon! I don’t teach in the USA in person, so these virtual classes a great way to take a class from me if that’s where you live! (And great for everyone else too, obviously :D)

Later days,



Leslie's English Garden Quilt