New Job=Time at the Quilt Store

I finished Erin's quilt!!! And with a week and a half to spare. I'm so pro sometimes, I amaze myself.

It is really a poor picture of it, but this happens. I quilt, not photograph. My friend Helen is holding it up for me. It looks super awesome in person, better really than I expected it to. In general I'm pretty happy with it.

Yesterday I finally got binding on 2 quilts that I did all the rest of the work on in about grade 11. My "Deep Dark and Evil" quilt, and what was supposed to be a store sample out of the Jan Mullen Citruz line, which for when you're wondering, is still my favorite fabric line of all time.

At the time when I made it, the 2nd quilt, the "Deep Dark and Evil" one was the least bright quilt I had ever made. It was quilted using 12 weight cottons, which were way thicker, and which hardly anyone carries any more, but at the time I loved them because you could see them so much more than other threads. What I realize now is that my quilting was not very good, and not being able to see the quilting would probably have been the better plan.

And so with that, it was time to go to the quilt store- Quilters Dream- which is only a few blocks from my house.  I already had this Judy Neimeyer quilt pattern

And I got these fabrics to make it out of:

The purples are for where the lights are in the pattern, and the pinks and oranges for the darker colours. I'm super excited about this quilt, though a little frightened of starting. My parents insisted that I make a Judy Niemeyer quilt, as they took a retreat from her, and loved it, so they bought me the pattern, ans we'll see what happens.

Anyways, if I don't stop I'm going to be late for work, and I get free breakfast today, so that would not do.

Later days.



A Quilting We Will Go...


Quilting Away