Simply Color Spacedust Quilt Top

Spacedust Quilt Top I made this quilt top at Grannies... in January 2013. So more than a year and a half ago. The longarm at work isn't set up big enough to quilt it though, so it sat in the cupboard waiting for me to go quilt it on mom's machine. Which didn't happen. But now that I have a machine at home that IS big enough, this quilt finally got quilted.

Picture last night

The pictures I took last night show the quilting a little better I think. I did basically random fills fanning out from the center medallion. I actually had a lot of fun doing it.

Quilting Close Up

The pattern is 'Space Dust' by Tula Pink. The fabric is Simply Color by V and Co. for Moda fabrics.

Quilting Close Up

I was fairly shocked by how popular this quilt was when I posted it on instagram. In only a few hours it got more likes than any other quilt I have made. Which was surprising.

After I finished up that quilt, I quilted Rocky's Wizard of Oz quilt. He embroidered the characters and put the quilt together, then I quilted it. I had a lot of fun with it actually.

Rocky's Quilt

I'm not really sure what I'm going to work on next. It's been a long time since I didn't know what I was going to work on next, so I'm a bit lost. I have a whole bunch of ideas, but I'm not sure which to do. And mostly I just want to longarm, but the quilt tops I have left to quilt are... less than inspiring.  (Want me to quilt your quilt? Check out my custom quilting page!)

Anyways, later days,


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Free Motion Friday - Minimalista Night Sky Quilt


Indelible Fabrics Blog Hop