Free Motion Friday - My Turn


Happy Friday! Only 6 more sleeps until Christmas!

Today, my quilt. I finished up my last Christmas present last night, and then got all excited about getting back to my own quilts... so started drawing all over mine rather than working on anything for Free Motion Friday, so today, this picture of my quilt:


I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited about this one. Some elements spilling into the border, lots of ruler work, still space for my favourite fillers... it's going to be a fun quilt. I can't wait to go home and get to work on it :D. I'm hoping to get some quilting time in after Christmas (6 days in a row off work! woot woot!) I'll have lots of time to spend with family, but lots of time to spend with myself as well. Just how I like things.

There won't be a Free Motion Friday next week... I'm taking the week off! But I'll be back in the new year with some great quilts! Remember, if you want to be a part of Free Motion Friday, send me a picture of your quilt to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.