Gypsy Wife Quilt


/home/wpcom/public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/8b0/33476030/files/2014/12/p1030972.jpg I finally finished my Gypsy wife quilt. Which was on the frame for about 3 weeks I think. It only took me three evenings and an afternoon to actually quilt, but I had some machine issues, plus finished a bunch of quilt tops. I have 9 tops on my to-quilt list, which considering I was all caught up before retreat in November, it's quite a list. But I'm trying not to stressed myself out about it, it'll get done when it gets done.

Back to Gypsy Wife though...


I loaded this quilt, and then didn't start actually quilting it for two days. I. The mean time I was staring getting at my Delectable, Indelible quilt, and decided that I should use the same background quilting on this quilt.



Once I actually got to work on it, with no marking no no thread changes, it went super fast. Next up, a quilt top by my sister! Back to work for me.

Later days, Kathleen


Free Motion Friday - My Turn


Free Motion Friday - Tish's Christmas Quilt