oldframe This my old frame and machine on the last day before it got moved to mom's basement.  Because...

APQS Sponsorship

As I've mentioned, my life is super awesome, and I've been sponsored by Sparrow Studioz, which mean's I get a APQS Lucey in my living room for the next year!


So yesterday morning Dad and Rocky took down my old machine and frame, to make room for the new one. Which means for a couple hours I actually had a living room.


Or at least half a living room, because everything just got shoved to the other side to  make room.


Seriously though, check out how awesome my new machine is? And my life by association?


I didn't have a lot of time to play with her last night, but what I did, was crazy amazing. Everything worked perfect, she moved just exactly where I wanted her to... oh man, it's going to be a crazy good year.


I work up a bit early this morning, and for the first time in my entire life, rather than just rolling over and going back to sleep, I got up to do some quilting.


Some serious magic happening. I am just... so excited about everything. Particularly, my machine.  Because seriously, my life is just awesome.

Anyways, I do have to be at work today, so I guess I should do that.

Later days, Kathleen.


Free Motion Friday - Chelsea is a Rock Star


Mom's Triangle Quilt (the last one!)