Lucey's First Quilt! (Bradie's Quilt)

Tula Pink Quilt My first quilt on my APQS Lucey!!!! I had so much fun quilting this for Bradie.


And I think she likes it :D


These swirls were the very first free motion I did on my Lucey.

Testing out in stitch regulated and non stitch regulated.


The big differences I noticed between my APQS Lucey and my old machine (MOM),

  • SO MUCH MORE SPACE!!! 26" vs. 18" of throat space is a crazy amount of space. I was at my mom's house where MOM is set up, and couldn't believe how tiny it looked, even after only a few days of having Lucey. Which makes quilting easier and faster, and I have mad love.
  • On MOM I always worked in stitch regulated mode, ALWAYS. Whereas on Lucey I did stitch regulated for the ruler and ditch work, and non-regulated for the free motion.
  • Lucey is so much quieter. And just better sounding besides.
  • I didn't have to sticky tack / band-aid, and or anything else to keep the threads from breaking, it just does it all by itself.
  • Moving the quilt is so much easier -- the power feed is awesome, but even without that, being able to do all the adjustments on one side of the frame, rather than having to go back and forth, saves a lot of time.
  • I can float my top! On Lucey the bar for loading tops is located (in a more normal spot) so that the quilt top would be rolled up above the backing and batting. On MOM it was below. This means, on Lucey, even if I don't go to the effort of loading the top, that bar is still holding the top in place so it doesn't move around. It also means I can more easily adjust my batting so there are no wrinkles. So excited to be able to float tops like, pretty much every other longarmer I know.




In general, I just can't believe that this is my life, that I have this great machine for the next year. Seriously guys, you have no idea.

This week though, I'm trying to take a break from longarming. I've got some pretty tight deadlines for market, but the quilts aren't here yet... which means when they do show up, I'll be working like a crazy person. So in an effort for something resembling balance, I'm trying to resist the call of Lucey this week. But next week, back at it.

Until then, later days! Kathleen.




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Free Motion Friday - Chelsea is a Rock Star