Free Motion Friday -- Kathleen's Magic Shape

FREE MOTION FRIDAY! Happy Friday Peeps. I am, right now, in Edmonton taking Karlee Porter classes at Sparrow Studioz. In the midst of a crazy quilting spree preparing for market. Things are a bit nuts... but sleep is for the weak... right?

Today, Kathleen's Magic Shape! I've been talking a lot about my new favourite design, which I have dubbed "Kathleen's Magic Shape", and so here we go. 1


It starts with this bracket/flame/whatever shape. I try to get it reasonably even, but don't spend a lot of time worrying about it being perfect.


Make sure you stop your machine at the point -- this keeps your point nice and pointy :D Rather than having a round top (though if you want a round top, go for it.)


Then, I feather up the side of my bracket,


And then trace down the other side to get back to the bottom


And then feather up the other side.

I these pictures, I have done fairly (by my standards anyway) even feathers. However, I think it looks a bit nicer with un-even feathers.


Something like this. To do this,


I sort of imagine a line going through my design, and have the bottom feathers reaching up to this line, and the top feathers reaching down to it.


Then, I echo the inside line. Sometimes, I will follow the seam about 1/4" to create an even echo,11


Though usually I just start from my endpoint, and have an un-even echo, so I can avoid the backtrack. 9Then I fill in the center with a fill... in this picture I did loops, but I've also done swirls, back and forth... whatever floats your boat.


Here I filled it with feathers :D

Here are a few pictures where I have used this design:


In the houndsteeth.


In the setting triangles, the sashing & the blocks,

Photo 2015-04-22, 2 54 03 PM

Here it is in the negative space


And the one that started it all, on my Jackson Hole quilt :D

Hope you have as much fun with this as I do! Remember, if you have any trouble with this, or any other design on the blog, send me an email to kathleen(at)

If you want to be a part of Free Motion Friday, email a picture of your quilt top to kathleen(at)!

Later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!



Free Motion Friday - Eve's Quilt


Technicolor Galaxy - Month 4