Free Motion Friday -- A Whole Year of It + Kristi's Quilt

So in between this week and last week was one year since the first FMF post. Which seems crazy.

So to start, a huge thanks to everyone who's sent quilt pictures over the last year!!!  What would FMF be without quilts??


So this week, we've got Kristi's quilt.


I started by drawing these boxes into the quilt. I've drawn them right over the pieced granny squares, but I would only quilt them in the white negative space-- it's just easier to see what I'm doing when I draw right over the piecing :D


So next, I would add more boxes of varying widths inside each box,


Which I would then fill with various fills :D I don't want two boxes of fills next to each other -- two un-filled maybe, though I usually go for alternating.

I did something similar to this on my Avonroy Tiles and Skopelos tiles quilts.

Continuos Curve Variation

Photo 2015-04-22, 2 54 03 PM

4Then, in the pieced blocks, I would do a simple continuous curve (as you can see in the bottom right corner)



In the green border I've drawn circles, but this could easily be something else... I'd use a design that I used in my negative space squares to add some consistency.

6Then, in the outer border, I'm echoing the quilting from the negative space into the border.

So that's this week! Here's to another year :D

Remember, if you want to be a part of FMF, email a picture of your quilt to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!



Free Motion Friday - Philippa's Single Girl Quilt


Dad's Ex-Libris Quilt