Free Motion Friday - Philippa's Single Girl Quilt


Happy Friday!!!

Today, we have Philippa's quilt.

single girl topPhilippa and I have crossed paths a couple times -- at QuiltCon and again in Karlee Porter's class at Sparrow Studioz.  I was super excited to get her quilt :D

I love this quilt. It's pretty fabulous. The only problem... low volume prints, while they look super awesome, all the fantastic quilting we can do on them, just doesn't show up. So, with that in mind...


I started by simply echoing about 1/2" inside and outside of each ring. This will ensure that those rings really stand out, and that they aren't lost in the low volume.

Then, I would fill in with a fill... either my favourite fill in every place, or, this is a great place to practice new fills! Try a different fill in every space -- they won't show a whole bunch like they would on a solid fabric, so its a great place to try some new stuff.

Probably, what I would do, is a Graffiti fill. And since I know Phillipa was in Karlee's class, I know she can do it :D Similar to how I quilted the background on my Chic Kisses quilt.


You can see here that I echoed around each curved space, then filled in the background. Here with Graffiti, but as I mentioned,  any fill will work.


Then, in the curves I did a simple continuous curve.

Have fun Philippa!! I can't wait to see it!

Later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada. I'm teaching there September 25 & 26 -- hope to see you then!