Free Motion Friday -- Heather's Quilt

Happy Friday Peeps. It's been a crazy week. Just sayin'. So I'm glad it's Friday.


Today we have Heather's adorable quilt :D.

To start, I just want to say that I always stitch in the ditch. In this one, it's going to be important to stitch in the ditch around the blue sashings.


So I started with some dot-to-dot in the corners.


Which I filled with a ribbon candy design.


Then, I echoed around the blue sashings, to make a weird hexigon-with-wings type shape. This looks sort of awkward in this drawing, but that's mostly because the photo isn't square. It will look better in real life, promise.


Then I filled the inside with a fill... a swirl, or whatever I love at the moment. I might even do a few different fills.


Then, echoing the center of the nine patch


And filling these as well.

That's it for me! Remember, if you want to be a part of FMF, email a picture of your quilt to kathleen(at)!

Later days, Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada. I’m teaching there September 25 & 26 2015 — hope to see you then!


Technicolor Galaxy - Month Seven


Free Motion Friday - Vikki's Quilt