Free Motion Friday -Susan's Quilt

Free-Motion-Friday It's one of those days. I'm telling you. I've spent the past 2 hours trying to get a blog post written, but every time I go to save any pictures for FMF, the program crashes and that is that. So today's drawings were done on my iPad.


So, Susan's quilt.


I started by dividing the space, by echoing the shape of the blocks in the setting triangles, and drawing a straight line from point to point.


Then I echoed 1/4" in from the block and the dividing lines on both sides to create a path. IMG_0719

I then alternated the fills in each path (I know, it's hard to see). I tried to draw ribbon candy and a dense back and forth line... but they look kinda the same :D What we want is two fills that definitly read differently from one another.


Then, in the block, I used the same two fills to fill alternating sections of the blocks -- the ribbon candy in the middle, and the back and forth lines in the 2nd set. I'm leaving the alternating spaces un-quilted to add some dimension.


In the border I have echoed the block shape in the background


Then echoed the same quilting from the main quilt into the border, with the alternating background fills.


I have also done the same quilting in the border appliques as I did in the quilt. In the colourful borders, I echoed a line 1/4" in from both sides, then used my same fills again to finish up the borders.


In the ghost shapes I've drawn in in the sashings & borders, I've done my best to re-create the block by quilting in the lines of the applique, and then using the same fills to quilt the spaces.



Anyways, hopefully you can figure out what is going on from these pictures :D Hopefully I'll be able to do proper drawings again soon :D If you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)!

Later days Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada.


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