Free Motion Friday -- Apologies


Free-Motion-Friday I've been a bit flakey on FMF lately.

Such is life I guess. It's our Grand Opening Sale at Quilting from the Heart this weekend, and I didn't get a post done.

The good news is that everything on our website is 15% off, with Judy Niemeyer kits over $200 20% off. And, with the Canadian $$ super low, it's an extra good deal for anyone outside of Canada ($20/m CAD = $13.25/yard USD) so happy shopping! Sale is only until Saturday night!

I've gotten some awesome quilts for FMF's coming up, so hopefully I'll soon be back to normal-ish soon.

Remember I'm teaching at Sparrow Studioz in March! Going to be awesome, so I hope to see some of you there!!! I'm also teaching at the Tasmanian Modern Quilt Guild in August!

Later days! Kathleen.


Cherie Zen Medallion Quilt


Free Motion Friday - AvantGarde Tarnished Windmill