Free Motion Friday - Nicole's Quilt!
Happy Friday!!! It's a particularly good Friday as I'm at QUILTCON!!! YAY!!! I'm writing this on Tuesday before I leave for Pasadena and I'm too psyched to actually do any work. Anyways, hopefully I'll see you there!!!
Today, Nicole's quilt!
I had so many great idea's for this quilt. Crazy idea's that would have been just sooooooo much work. And in the end I decided that the fabrics that were in the quilt were just printed enough that you wouldn't see all that work anyways. So I went with plan two that was less work.
I started with straight lines in alternating star points. These lines would be about 1/2" - 3/4" apart from each other.
Then, in the other spaces, I went with a swirl fill... though whatever your favourite fill is will work. Just something besides straight lines :D
Then I drew a box around the star. Similarly to how I quilted my Prismatic Star quilt.
I drew straight lines in the inside of the border.
Then two different fills, one for the inside of the border, and a different one for the outside.
So that's it for me! Remember, if you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)!
Later days! Kathleen
Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada. I'm teaching there March 18 & 19, 2016!