Michelle's Cherie Quilt

I saw Michelle's quilt on Instagram long before she ever asked me to quilt it for her -- and loved it even then. So I was SOOOOO excited when she asked me to quilt it for her!! Photo 2016-03-01, 1 57 00 PM

This was the first quilt I've done post QuiltCon, and I had a lot of fun incorporating elements from classes with Krista Withers and Jodi Robinson!

Photo 2016-03-01, 1 54 58 PM

The quilting sort of has two personalities. The bottom left side is very structured, with nice frames around all the boxes. I love how the diamonds look like argyle.


Photo 2016-03-01, 1 55 39 PM

The other side of the quilt I wanted a softer look. I used some broken wreaths from Krista's classes along with designs I learned from Jodi's classes to create the look I was going for.

I had so much fun quilting this! I actually used my mom's APQS Millie on this one rather than my trusty Lucey, as there was a staff event happening at the store that I wanted to participate in.... so I got to longarm & actually be around people! It was kind of a new thing. Plus, I got to try out a bunch of new designs, so all in all, it was a great time.

That's it for today! Later days!



Gwen's Modern Building Blocks


Free Motion Friday - Jessica's Quilt