Cheryl's Gravity Quilt

Guys, I seriously had just the most fun quilting this one. P1040715

The gravity quilt is all solids, meaning that quilting can really show up well on it. And look awesome :D

P1040719The circles and the basket weave I used on the outsides were designs I learned in Jodi Robinson's class "Well Worth The Time Fillers" and I seriously have so much love for them. I really just want to quilt them again and again forever.


I used a lot of peacock feathers in the blocks. I like to try to have a unifying quilting element in each block when quilting a sampler type quilt. And this time it was peacock feathers.


Actually, I quilted the entire centre block part of the quilt using only 3 designs - peacock feather, continuous curve, and wishbones.


This block I think was my favourite of all.

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The back turned out pretty great too:


I knew the quilting would show up a lot on the back, so I worked hard to have a nice looking back -- I did three blocks in each bobbin colour to create an even looking back.

I loved quilting this quilt! I have another coming up soon, and can't wait to get to quilt this again!

Later days! Kathleen.


Eye Candy Quilts Pacific Coast Highway Quilt


Free Motion Friday - Judy C's Quilt