Judith's Chevron Quilt

P1040737How awesome is Judy's quilt? The grey's are sooooo pretty. IMG_3836

Things got a little crazy with this quilt. I shared this picture on Facebook and Instagram & it quickly became the most popular picture I've ever posted, particularly on Facebook.


I had fun using the Quilted Pineapple rulers on this, and swirls for days.


I won't lie, by the time I was done this quilt, I was soooo sick of swirls. :D The feathers are the first time I have ever done a marked (or well, in this case, rulered) spine -- I usually just draw them willy nilly, but wanted something nice and uniform for this quilt.

P1040739I also did two matching pillow shams! The back of these will likely never be seen, but look pretty awesome-


Anyways, later days! Kathleen.


Joan's Chasing Dreams Quilt


Eye Candy Quilts Pacific Coast Highway Quilt