Free Motion Friday - Lou's Quilt

Free-Motion-Friday Happy Friday Peeps!!!

Things are a bit crazy right now! I finished the last of my market quilts on Wednesday, and am leaving for market tomorrow. Plus, my new Lucey is being delivered on Monday! My sponsorship is over, but my new Lucey is on the way. Though, I'll be at market and then retreat and won't get to play with it for another 2 weeks :( I haven't quilted anything since Tuesday, and am already having quilting withdrawals.

But, on to today's quilt! Lou's!

LouSo let's begin!


I started by using my "wave fill" in the white spaces.

2And circles in blue. I would on the longarm, use a ruler to get these circles nice and circular. I want them to be as big as I can to fill up as much space of the hexagon as I can -- as well, this will mean I can do them continuously. On a domestic machine I would mark the circles to help keep them circular.


Then, straight lines forming a diamond going through the first row of hexies, and then through the 2nd as well (see below)


A circle in the middle of the diamond, and straight lines in the border! And you're done!

If you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.


Pat's Heartland Quilt


More Eye Candy Quilts Quilts!