Free Motion Friday - Geo Feathers

Free-Motion-Friday Happy Friday! I'm in BC right now doing some teaching through southwestern British Columbia! Check out my TEACHING page, as their may still be some open spaces! (I know for sure there is room in my Saturday class in Victoria). Plus, a new teaching announcement is on there too!

This week, my new obsession, the Geo Feather.


I really really really wanted to quilt this quilt that my dad made, but due to my BC trip, I wouldn't be able to have it done by his Quilt Market deadline. So mom is quilting it, but I got to design the quilting :D ONe of the fabrics had a similar geo feathers design on it, so I decided that it would make an amazing quilting design. And I am so in love with it now -- after I got mom to put this design on this quilt, I went home and put it on the quilt I was working on too.


It is the most fun to quilt. So here we go!


We start with two straight lines. Super difficult.


Then, I put (approximately) 45 degree lines randomly spaced in between the two lines.


Then, two more lines, with more randomly spaced 45 degree lines. This time the angle is opposite. Sometimes I put some vertical lines in between the angled lines, just for some randomness.

4Sometimes I like to have two lines next to each other be exact mirror images of eachother.


Sometimes, some vertical lines crossing over the angled lines. The whole thing is very random :D


And then just keep going!


That's it for me today! I'm off next week as I'll still be in BC and don't feel like writing two posts before I leave :D If you'd like your quilt to be a part of Free Motion Friday, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.



Free Motion Friday - Debra's Quilt


Free Motion Friday - Melissa's Quilt