Free Motion Friday - Diamond Feathers

Happy Friday! I'm back with FMF this week! Before we start, a huge thanks for all the support of my Kathleen Quilt LIVE! project! I'm super excited about it, and it seems like you are too! It's alway scary to try something new, so thanks for all the support.

On to FMF then.


This week, diamond feathers. img_5216

By diamond feathers, I mean feathers that fit into a diamond shape. I've been quilting them on my Slow and Steady Hosta quilt, and am so happy with how they are turning out that I thought I'd share it with you :D I'm so nice right?


We start with a diamond shape. This can be in the piecing, we can quilt it in... whatever works for us. We probably want a larger diamond... I'd say at least 6" to get this design to look best.


I start by building my feathers up one side, until the top of my feathers get to about the halfway point of my diamond.


Then I build feathers up the side of my last feather (facing the other direction from my first feathers) until I nearly hit the edge of my diamond.


There is probably a weird space at the top of your diamond, so I went in and added a simple swirl to fill the space.

5Then I went town and added some more feathers, building up from my first set of feathers, using my swirl as my spine, to fill in the space on the right.

It's a pretty easy way to make some pretty great feathers. Need help with your feathers? Feathers are one of the designs we'll cover in my first Kathleen Quilts LIVE! class "A Cheater's Guide to Quilting" on December 11.

That's it for me! If you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Later days!


PS: If you want a kit for my Slow and Steady Hosta, you can buy it HERE.


Kathleen's Binding Finish


Modern Sampler Quilt