Barbara's Tarnished Windmill
I've been a bit MIA lately. I did a bunch of sewing for myself, one of the quilts I did never got pictured, went back to BC for a funeral... I've been busy is what it is.
But, I did finish Barbara's quilt last weekend!
Barbara bought my Tarnished Windmill kit and made it in a class at Quilting From The Heart. Then, I got to quilt it!!! Yay!!! It was fun to quilt because I could do all the parts I like from mine again, and do all the part's I didn't like differently.
This time of year it's hard to get good pictures -- it's always dark, and even when it is light the sun is so low in the sky there are shadows everywhere. So I tried my best, and this is what we have :D
It took my 3 tries to get something I liked behind the fan blades. Which is pretty rare for me -- usually once it's been quilted, I'm just go with it. But this time I ripped twice before settling on this design. And I'm glad I did, because I really like how it turned out.
That's Barbara's quilt! And here is a sneak peak of Leslie's-- which is what is on the frame right now.
Anyways, that's it for now! Happy Holidays!
Later days, Kathleen.