2016 in Review


2016! This year (as near as I can figure) I quilted 21 customer quilts (assuming I finish the last one this afternoon), quilted 17 of my own quilts (including 3 mini's which only barely count, and 3 quilted very simply in an afternoon or less), quilted 2 quilts for my dad, and pieced 8 quilts of my own. Plus I made a quite a few clothes, but don't have record of that as much as the quilts.


I quitled some ridiculously pretty quilts this year. I had so much fun quilting for other people. I still can't believe that people trust me with their best quilts.


I did way more quilting for myself than I thought that I had. The last 4 months I've been doing a lot more of my own things, so I guess that makes sense. But I don't think I can complain anymore about never having time for my own stuff.


This year I also did some awesome teaching! A month in Australia, 10 days in BC, Kathleen Quilts LIVE!, Sparrow Studioz... It's been amazing to get to meet so many people!!!


So, then on to next year.

  • Teaching at QuiltCon and Quilt Canada, and more Kathleen Quilts LIVE! Classes.
  • Balance. The last few months I feel like I've managed to find balance, between customers and my own quilting, piecing, and my life outside of quilting (which to be fair, only barely exists). So I want to keep that balance and not stress myself out.
  • Some awesome customer quilts. My bookings so far for 2017 are so awesome, I can't wait to start quilting them!

Who know's what else 2017 might bring. I'm excited.

Later days, Kathleen.



Quilt Canada


Dale's Single Girl Quilt