Kathleen Quilts LIVE! Round Two.


Hey, everyone! p1040803

Posts lately have mostly just been me advertising myself :D oh well.

I've just posted a new Kathleen Quilts LIVE! group class:


March 26, 2017, 1PM-4PM, Mountain Standard Time

Quilting For The Crazy 

Sometimes spending that little bit of extra time on a quilt can really make it special. Marking lines and shapes to create stunning negative spaces might take some extra time, but it turns out spectacular. It may be time consuming, but it’s not particularly difficult.

Learn some of my favourite designs, including Diamonds, Crazy Person's fill, and more!

Demo's will be drawn on paper and stitched on my longarm. There will be no domestic machine demonstration, however, I will talk about how I adapt the design for domestic machines. Time is given for practice drawing and stitching each design.  

Register online HERE.

You can also sign up for a quilt consultation HERE.

Later days, Kathleen.


Ikat Moth Quilt


Quilt Canada