Ikat Moth Quilt

I got the best stack of quilting books for Christmas, including "Quilt with Tula and Angela." I've had some time to quilt for myself this holiday, and I was so excited to make this quilt! img_5341

Those are some teeny tiny pieces - the strips finish at 1/2". I was so proud of myself for making this. And then I got to quilt it too!

img_5336In the top half of the butterfly, I treated each colour as it's own section, doing a different design in each area.


The lower half of the butterfly I just treated as one large section, doing feathers through the bottom half.


I had just THE MOST FUN with this background fill. So much fun actually, that I'm doing the same one on the quilt I'm working on now (though the new one is in a much larger scale)

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I had fun doing a feathery border around two sides of the quilt, and really went out of my comfort zone and used (slightly) contrasting thread!

That's my butterfly! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Later days, Kathleen.

PS: Take a class with me! Check out Kathleen Quilts LIVE!


Go! Qube Heart


Kathleen Quilts LIVE! Round Two.