Susan G's Quilt

Susan made this Washington Medallion quilt (pattern by Sue Garman) and I got to quilt it!p1040864

It's definitely more traditional than my usual style, and so it was fun to get to play with more traditional quilting designs - like feathers!


Guys, I love feathers. It was so great to have free reign to quilt as many feathers as I wanted on this quilt! p1040866

I don't think I went too over board :D



7 thread colours on this one!


Colours can be deceiving -- I always end up using more thread colours than I think I will. If you've been to one of my trunk shows, you'll know I'm forever saying that the longer I've quilted the quicker I am to change thread colour. And that definitely held true with this quilt!

That's it for me! I'm off to QuiltCon on Tuesday, where I'm teaching 5 classes and taking 2! It's going to be a bit of a crazy week, but I'm super excited. If you're going to be there, please say hi!

Later days, Kathleen

PS: Can't make it to my QuiltCon classes? I'm teaching a lot of the same classes at Quilt Canada this June in Mississauga Ontario,  or take it in the comfort of your own home with Kathleen Quilts LIVE!


QuiltCon 2017!!!


I swear, I still quilt.