Kelly's Calavera Quilt


I've spent most of April working on Kelly's awesome Calavera Quilt.

This was a crazy fun quilt to work on -- and, despite it being 127" long, I had fun right to the bottom of it. So no complaints from me!

Some close ups... I had fun playing with different types of swirls in the two blue sections, and with ferny feathers in the leaf.

Some feathers in the forehead, and eye. Plus, a lot of continuous curve in the white, as well as all the black is also done with a continuous curve.

I wanted a nice clean look for the teeth, so I ended up going with a 1/2" piano key throughout.

For the most part, through the quilt, I tried to keep the same designs on the same colours - so all the light blue is done with the same design, all the medium blue, all the black, etc.

The back you can't see a whole bunch, just general coloured area's.

If you subscribed to my patreon page, then you would have seen a video with me talking about the different designs I was using.

So that's Kelly's quilt! Thanks for stopping by!

Later days, Kathleen.

PS: No FMF on the blog today, but I do have one on my Patreon page! Don't know what Patreon is? It's a chance to support me and get a bunch of extra content! Check it out! I'm talking about Jill's quilt today!



Free Motion Friday - Debbie's Quilt


Kathleen Quilts + Patreon