2017, 2018 & Priorities.
The Numbers of 2017 & Focus for 2018
Every year I say "This year will be different."
I'm a bit late, but better late than never right?
2017 in Numbers:
16 client quilts
7 quilts quilted for myself
6 quilts quilted for friends and family
3 of my own quilts finished, quilted by Quilting From The Heart
7 quilts in process - 2 that still need the quilt tops finished, and 5 awaiting quilting (though one of those is on the machine at Quilting From the Heart right now)
1 book published, 2 books written (the second released in January 2018)
Launched Patreon
2 out-of-town teaching gig's (QuiltCon and Quilt Canada)
1 quilt in QuiltCon + another that I quilted
Looking forward to 2018
2017 stressed me out. But was also a whole lot of fun. So I'm cutting back on things that stressed me out in 2018, and doing way more of what I had fun.
So, what's ahead for 2018?
First off, you'll notice this post is on my NEW WEBSITE! I'm so happy with how it turned out. I decided I wanted a website that showed me off, rather than just being a blog. So my new website allows me to showcase my teaching dates and published books, but still gives me the ability to blog!
Which leads to a change in focus for 2018.
- Focus not on client quilting. Client quilting has been stressing me out a lot lately. It use to be a lot of fun, but lately has just been stressed. I've been so stressed about complaints and potential complaints about my quilting, that I just can't face client quilting right now. So I'm cutting way way way back.
- Focus on Patreon - not client quilting gives me more time to focus on things that aren't stressful, like my Patreon page. (What is Patreon? It's a monthly subscription that gives you access to a whole lot of awesome content from me.) So I've got lots planned over there, so be sure to check it out if you haven't already. If you like my blog (or liked it when I posted more) then Patreon is going to be right up your alley.
- Focus on teaching - I've got a bunch of teaching lined up this year - I'm teaching at Quilt Canada, KarmaQuilt Academy, and the Australian Machine Quilting Festival, plus my usual teaching at Quilting From The Heart, and some awesome Kathleen Quilts LIVE events. (Kathleen Quilts LIVE! is a series of online classes that I teach, I've got more scheduled, so take a look)
- Focus on writing - this goes with the focus on Patreon, as all my books are pre-released as Patreon content well before they are published, but I want to keep writing my book series. I've been having so much fun with it, and they have been better received than I ever expected.
- Focus on fun - lets face it, this is supposed to be fun. Quilting is supposed to be fun. So I'm going to have fun. I'm going to both QuiltCon and Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show, and not working/teaching at either. Just pure quilting for fun. So I'm excited. It's going to be an awesome year.
Thanks so much for sticking with my through the years. I am incredibly grateful for everything that has happened over the past few years, thanks to you supporting me. Hopefully you'll keep at it, and like where I'm going!
Later days,