Post Fat Quarterly Retreat Sewing

Zoinks. I finally  have time to post about the Fat Quarterly Retreat... I have been far too busy sewing to post anything up until now. I had a super awesome time. I love quilting (if you hadn't noticed) so getting to spend 2 days sewing was AWESOME! Plus, hanging out with quilters and such. I think my favourite moment/ the saddest moment, was on the way out when one of the ladies told Teresa that she had better not forget me, as I was so quiet that it would take a long time for her to notice that I wasn't in the car. Sigh. So while I may not have talked a whole bunch (this is me after all) I still had a great time.

I made a frame purse, then I did the Embroidery Class, then in the evening I made some placemats, then Sunday morning I did the Designer Challenge then Portholes. Since getting home from the retreat I have managed to finish all these projects, PLUS make three dresses with portholes in the back. Yeah, it's a bit excessive. But, I'll be nice and cool in Greece in 3 weeks... ahh. Anyways, here are some pictures. I have pictures for a tutorial on the portholes dresses, but it's not going to happen today. Maybe tomorrow. Or the day after. Or maybe once I'm back home...

Later days!



Quilt Con and My Pathetic Blogging


Fat Quarterly Linky Party!