Quilt Con and My Pathetic Blogging


Holy moly. I am the worst blogger. every blog post is a renewed vow to blog more, followed by 6 months without blogging. Seriously. Pathetic. Be one the less, here I am vowing once again to be a better blogger.

So for those of you catching up (yeah, because my blog is so popular due to its frequent updating that my hordes of followers just need to know what is happening in my life) I'm back in Canada ( or, well in reality I'm currently in Texas, but we'll get there. I'm working at The Sewing Center as the manager (where  have another neglected blog) and its awesome. It also means that I gave started machine embroidering, which has begun to take over my life.

At the moment though I'm in Austin, at QuiltCon, the Modern Quilt Guild convention. I'm just having the best time. I even made friends. Which for me is a pretty big deal. i am so inspired and have mostly decided that I need more time and more fabric to do all the things I want to do. Between making quilts, clothes, embroidering, free motion..I don't have enough time. Thank goodness I don't know many people who live in Camrose or I'd have a social life and have even less time to sew.

I took a quilting class with Angela Walters today, which made me want a new sewing machine. Because having 3 new ones in the past 5 months isn't enough. Now I have to go and want a mid-arm. Hopefully either a) I win one in the draw I entered or b)I forget about it, because sadly I do not have 5 grand to spend on one. But the class was so awesome and it made me want to do awesomeness stuff. So I will suck it up and use the machines that I already have. There is a frame in the basement of the store...

Anyway, maybe I will blog more soon-- looking at old posts, apparently I have pictures of some tutorials that I should do some day... When have time. So until then,

Later days,



Swirling Medallion


Post Fat Quarterly Retreat Sewing