Free Motion Friday - Deanne's Quilt
Happy Friday!! Which means... FREE MOTION FRIDAY! WOOT WOOT!
Today, Deanne sent this quilt for me to play with:
She says:
Hi Kathleen. This is Deanne. I finished this Wonky 9-patch a year ago. I wanted to quilt it with a lot of wavy lines to reflect the wonkyness of the design lines, sort of like the fill you used with Dreamin' Color Urban Tiles, but the more I think about it, I think that would be pretty boring on this quilt.
How would you crank up the interest a bit, given how little detail there is to work with in each block? Of course, that was what made it so fast and fun to put together in the first place :-)
So, here we go,
I'm starting by doing some fun fills in the boxes. To emphasize the wonky, something different in each one. I also switched designs in the different coloured pieced part.
In a second email Deanne also mentioned
I would like to know how you would quilt this so it appears that the white space and border are all background with the wonky boxes floating on it.
I went with diagonal lines radiating throughout the white spaces and borders, breaking when I hit coloured fabric. I think this makes a cohesive quilt background that will really make the piecing pop.
Then, to add a bit of wonkiness back in, I then am going to fill in every other diagonal with a different fill.
Then, to finish things off, I'm going to go add a fill to the coloured background squares.
So that's Deanne's quilt! Remember, if you want me to play with your quilt, email a picture to kathleen(at)
Later days, Kathleen.