Spring Bouquet. Or, how I spent this month.


Spring Boquet I have finally managed to finish this quilt. A month after it went on the frame, it is once again off. I'm not going to lie, it feels soooo good to be done this one. Of course, I managed to run out of thread 10 minutes from being done at 11:00 last night, but luckly I work at the thread store and so could just run and get some more. I was not going to bed until that quilt was finished.

Quilting Close Up

This quilt was made by the staff of Quilting From The Heart. I'm really not sure why I took me so long, besides a really bad case of procrastination. The quilting was intense, but really went quite well and wasn't overly frustrating, I just could get myself going. Until yesterday, when I went like  a crazy person, and finally got it finished.

Mostly I've been thinking about things that have happened in my life since I started working on this quilt....

Hoagie's Garage

Rocky built his dad a garage.

Elk Island National Park

Mom, Rocky, Vicki and I went to Elk Island National Park for some hiking and bison.

Debbies Quilt

This quilt and my trip last weekend to my grandparents with my mom.

Helen's Housewarming Quilt

My trip to Fairview (8 hours north of here) with to see my best friend Helen and her new house with Debbie, Erin, and Erin's two very small children.

Plus, watching a whole season of Downton Abby and 8 seasons of Friends...

On the design wall


Anyways, I'm very excited to be able to start something new today. This is what I have on my design wall right now, but I'm thinking I'm going to play on my longarm today. Or maybe not. Who knows.

Later days,





Free Motion Friday - Katy's Quilt


Road Trip Quilt - Safari Moon. Or, the stain from hell.