Free Motion Friday - Claire's Quilt

FREE MOTION FRIDAY! Happy Friday Peeps! Lets start with this awesome quilt that Sarah got quilted...

sarah1I watched her progress over instagram, and was so excited for her. I think it turned out awesome!!! Yay!

So on to this week:


Claire sent this quilt and says:

The pattern was designed by a guild member for a charity sew last year and I really liked it. So made this top. Not sure how I want to quilt it

I'm pretty excited about this quilt. I had seen it on the interwebs at some point, and was super excited when it landed in my inbox. So here we go...


And by here we go, I mean, it's going to be fairly quick this week. Basically, I'm using last weeks flying geese all over this quilt, only more triangular in shape. And best of all, because we have wonky triangles, NO MARKING! I'm just going to quilt that triangle in, and however it ends up is good enough for me.

I did switch up the sizes, in some blocks doing one triangle per square, and in others doing two large flying geese. The larger flying geese would likely need to be filled in with something, I'd probably go for some dot-to-dot quilting.


I'd quilt the triangles already pieced into the quilt in the same way, ditching them, and then densely quilting the background area's. I'd use matching thread for every section.

So that's Claire's quilt! Remember, if you want your quilt to be a part of Free Motion Friday, email a picture of it to kathleen(at) I can't wait to see your quilt!

Later days! Kathleen.



Free Motion Friday - Tish's Christmas Quilt


Free Motion Friday -- Flying Geese