Jackson Hole Quilt and Mom's Curve It Up

I finally got Mom's curve it up quilt finished. It took me exactly 1 month, but it is finally finished. Curve It Up

I'm not sure why it took me so long. Mostly because I didn't work on it very hard. I spent more time laying in my bed watching TV (the Glades & Chuck on Netflix ) and so didn't get much quilting done. But I finally did manage to finish. Horrah.

After working on mom's for so long I decided that I really should do something quick and easy on the next quilt. No rulers, no back and forth designs, something easy peasy.


Of course, that's never what happens. Apparently I just don't know how to do easy peasy.


Right from the top, straight lines and ruler work. And it only got worse.


So much ruler work. But fairly easy ruler work. The quilt actually felt like it just went super fast.


Here's a bit of a secret. I might draw out quilting plans for people all the time, but I only rarely draw out my own designs before quilting them. This was definitely a make-it-up-as-we-go quilt.


Perhaps my favourite  part is the curvy feather in the points. I am pretty proud of myself on that one.

I'm taking a bit of a break until after QuiltCon -- I don't want to start something new before I learn a bunch of new stuff in my classes. I'm hoping to get a small quilt done for Rocky and then maybe some small bags and such.

Anyways, thats it for me! Later days! Kathleen.


Free Motion Friday -- Nikki's Quilt


Free Motion Friday - Sarah's Quilt