Angie's Quilt

P1040081 Angie sent me this beautiful quilt to quilt for her! It's so lovely and fresh -- it makes me almost believe that spring is maybe coming (and today's temperatures are certainly helping -- snow is melting all over the place, a week before my ski vacation). Plus, it is insanely well pieced.Every corner and curve matches perfect. It's impressive.

P1040082I had so much fun doing feathers on this quilt. I know I've said it before, and so have a lot of other people, but man, quilting feathers is just so much fun. I might not quilt perfect even feathers, but I think they are fun and wonky, and, whatever, I have fun.


I got some new rulers at Quilt Con, and was excited to use some of them -- I would have had a hard time ditching and echoing all those curves without them.

Next on the frame, Audrey brought me a quilt that she made for her daughters birthday -- and I get to go feather crazy :D

Later days! Kathleen.



Technicolor Galaxy - Month One


Free Motion Friday - Andrea's Quilt