Technicolor Galaxy - Month Three


bom-2015-buttonAlyssa of and I have teamed up to provide some extra inspiration for quilting the Technicolor Galaxy quilt! Here we go with block three! one

We start with something nice and easy, with some simple straight crossed lines through the coloured blocks, and echoed lines through the neutral.


If we look in the orange block here, a simple way to spice things up a bit, I filled in the top and bottom triangles in the coloured squares with back and forth lines (though you could easily do whatever fill you like, just straight lines are easy to draw :D) and some dot-to-dot in the right and left triangles. I also filled in the center squares of the neutral -- again, with straight lines, though you could easily switch this up.


Another easy one, this time with continuous curve rather than straight linesfourAnd my favourite way to spice up continuous curve, with double continuous curve.

FiveThen, since I did so many feathers on the previous months blocks, I figured I had better do them on this one too, so we can keep the motifs going through the quilt. Plus, an echoed line in the neutral, then filled (this time i was adventurous, and didn't just draw straight lines here!)

If you missed the previous blocks, you can find MONTH ONE HERE and MONTH TWO HERE.

See you next month.

Later days, Kathleen.




Audrey's Quilt


Free Motion Friday -- Good Friday