Free Motion Friday - Andrea's Triangle Quilt.

Happy Friday!!!! FREE MOTION FRIDAY!

Today we have this quilt from Andrea: quiltI feel like it's been eons since my last FMF post. I wrote about 4 in one day to get me through the crazy that is pre-market prep and market, and so I haven't written a post since April :D So we're starting off easy again here.


I've got two ideas for the light colored squares. The first, like above, is some dot-to-dot quilting in them. I love these designs so much actually. They don't have to be perfect, to look awesome either.

2The other option, as usual, is this awesome shape.  But I have to say that I think I like the first option better.


Then in the sashing, I echoed lines on both sides of the sashing (1/4 - 1/2" away from the edge) then filled with ribbon candy. I think the ribbon candy is a great fill, because it's not so dense as to obscure the prints.


Then, in the large print triangles. which ever pattern I did in the light triangles, I would do the same. So those dot-to-dot's or the Kathleen's Magic Shape.

And that's it! Remember, if you'd like your quilt to be part of Free Motion Friday, (and you probably do), then send a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Until then, later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!



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