Free Motion Friday - Karen B's Quilt

Happy Friday Peeps! Did you guys take a look at the video I took while quilting last week? It's on YouTube HERE! It's not the best quality, but the next one will better as Rocky has promised to video tape it for me.

This week, we've got Karen B's quilt.


It's pretty suberb I think. So here we go!


So the first step is marking :( I know. I just marked this curvy line down the side of the quilt.


Then, I've quilted big circles down this marked line. I'd say, about 2" in diameter. We really want them to show up.


Then, I've filled in the small side of these circles with a filler...whatever filler you like. I would probably go more dense than I did in the drawing to ensure that the larger circles I quilted really pop.

4Then I quilted a double line of brackets echoing the curvy circle line.


And filled the space in between with a really dense filler -- back and forth lines, or loops... something that really going to bake the less dense area's pop.


Then, a fill in the rest of the open spaces (not inside the squares). I want this to be a fill that reads very differently from the fill on the other side of the circle line.

This is similar quilting to my Colour Blocks quilt, only with the added brackets and densely quilted area.


Then, another fill inside each block, again, something that's going to read very different than what is on the outside of the squares. So I went with straight lines in various directions.

That's it for this week!!! Remember, if you want to be a part of FMF, email a picture of your quilt top to kathleen(at)! I can't wait to see your quilt!

Later days! Kathleen.

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada!

Free Motion Friday is Sponsored by Sparrow Studioz and APQS Canada. I’m teaching there September 25 & 26 2015 — hope to see you then!



Free Motion Friday - Jennifer's Quilt


Imprint Fabrics - Prismatic Star