August Australian Classes!


I am 100% completely unbelievably excited about my Australian trip this August! I'm going mainly to teach at the Australian Machine Quilters Festival, but I'm taking Rocky with me, and we are going to do some touring and I'm doing a little bit of teaching in other locations! AAAAHHH! Anyways, I thought I'd quickly talk about my AMQF classes.

Two of my classes are already full - Designs for Lines (And other Shapes that Don't Rhyme) and Simple Steps to Stunning Quilting -- so I won't talk about those ones. Thanks so much to everyone who registered for these though -- they are going to be totally awesome!

Quilting For the Crazy- Friday August 26, 5:00 - 9:00PM, Hands-On, Sweet 16  - This is one of my favourite classes! If you've seen my quilting at all, you know that I have a tendency to quilt things pretty densely, and often with geometric designs. In this class I show you some of my favourites, my diamonds, triangle sashing, double cross-hatch & more, plus where to use them so you actually see them! These designs look difficult, but with just the littlest bit of marking, are surprisingly easy to stitch out.

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Invisible Block Sampler - Saturday August 27, 1:00PM - 7:00PM, Bernina Domestic Machine - I taught this class last weekend and had the most fun with it! We're making whole cloth quilts in a modern way! Use your favourite quilt blocks, traditional or modern, and turn them into quilting motifs! Make a sampler quilt just out of thread! Plus, I'll share ways to use these designs and techniques on pieced quilts you might quilt in the future.

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On Sunday I'm doing a lot of lecturing-- it's going to be a bit crazy, but a lot of fun.

Easy Quilting Stunning Quilts - Sunday August 28, 10:30AM - 12:30PM, Lecture-Demo.  If you missed out on "Simple Steps to Stunning Quilting" this is a great class for you! I show you how to use a straight lines and easy fills to create fabulous quilts! We use the piecing already in the quilt to avoid having to actually do any marking-- it makes it look like you've spent hours and days and have just the craziest quilting skills, when really, we're just using the art skills we learned when we were 7! I share my favourite go-to designs & different ways to use them!

Avonroy Tiles

Indelible Park Bench Quilt

Quilting Close Up

Delectable Indelible


A Cheater's Guide to Free Motion Quilting - Sunday August 28, 1:00PM - 3:00 PM, Lecture Demo - Here's the truth guys -- I'm super lazy. I like to do things quick and easy, and if there is an easier way, then I'm there.  But I still want my quilts to look good! I share the designs I use over and over and over, and how to vary them so you'd never know they're the same design. I show you designs to use when you're caught in a weird space & the truth about stitching in the ditch & burying threads (hint- one I always do, and one I never do).

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Stars Quilt Quilted

How Do I Quilt That? Sunday August 28, 3:30 - 5:30 PM, Lecture Demo. This class is pretty much "Real Life Free Motion Friday" I share how I look at a quilt to design my quilting designs, I talk about how (and if) I doodle out my designs, and then we take a look at quilt top that have been stumping you! So bring your photo's or quilt tops & we'll have a fantastic time to finish out the festival!

quilt5 finished Free-Motion-2 finished


So those are my AMQF classes! I'm doing a little bit of teaching in other areas of Australia, so check out my teaching page for those dates! And for those of you not in Australia, I've got some other teaching news coming up that I'm pretty excited about -- and hopefully you are too!

Later days! Kathleen.


Free Motion Friday - Judy C's Quilt


Free Motion Friday - Dara's Quilt