Free Motion Friday - Corners of Awesome

Happy Friday!!! You know what that means!Free-Motion-Friday

This week, corners of awesome! P1040746

I had so much fun quilting the background of Joan's quilt that I thought I'd share how I created the corners on it!


I started by doing some markings. A 45 degree line coming out from the corner, and then the points where I want my curves to hit. On Joan's quilt it was 3.5" down the diagonal and 10" down each side of the quilt. However, depending on the size of the space you're doing this design in, you'll want to change those sizes.


Then, I quilted in my curve from point to point. I used the Quilted Pineapple curve #20 ruler.


Then down the other side.

5I then echoed that out twice,


In all four corners.


Then I simply filled in the corners with a checkerboard design. The center is then free to fill with whatever design you like!

These corners are so awesome for highlighting something in the middle of some negative space. A New York Beauty, applique, or whatever else you might have. Magic!

That's it for me! Remember if you'd like your quilt to be a part of FMF, email a picture of it to kathleen(at)

Later days! Kathleen.




Free Motion Friday - Kerry's Quilt


Joan's Chasing Dreams Quilt