Quilting For the Crazy Online Class


Hi Everyone! I swear I'm still around. Blogging has gotten a bit lost lately. I've got some plans up my sleeve, but finding the time to execute them is the problem. We're in the process of getting our house ready for sale, so things are a bit crazy at the moment. But don't give up on me!

In the meantime, this Sunday is my Kathleen Quilts LIVE! "Quilting For The Crazy" class. This class has some of my favourite designs in it, and is a great one to learn online, as while some of the designs are complex, none of them include hard shapes or motifs. If you can quilt a circle and a straight line, you can do this class! There is still time to register HERE.

Later days! Kathleen.




(The Return of) Free Motion Friday - Peggy's Quilt


QuiltCon 2017!!!